All Writings
May 5, 2009

The Palestinian Refugees: A Reassessment and a Solution

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been riddled with many intractable problems whose solutions have eluded both sides for more than 60 years. None, however, has been as politically and emotionally charged as the Palestinian right of return to the land they inhabited and lived in prior to the war of 1948. As the Israelis and Palestinians prepare for new American engagement with an administration adamant about pursuing the peace process, they will soon find themselves once again confronting the same old dilemma unless they are able to find feasible and realistic solutions to a problem politically and psychologically embedded in both peoples' narrative history.


This essay appears courtesy of the Palestine-Israel Journal, where it is featured in their current issue "The Refugee Question
Vol 15 No. 4 & Vol 16 No. 1, 08/09."