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Trump: The Wannabe Dictator: How We Got to This Dire State of Affairs – 2020

Contrary to his campaign slogan, Trump did not make America great again—he brought peril on America’s greatness because of his dictatorial ambitions and the manner by which he has been pursuing those aims since he came to power. The book reveals how Trump’s governance is starkly different from any of his predecessors, due to his incessant lies, misleading statements, and corruption. Ben-Meir surveys Trump’s colossal failure in foreign and domestic policies, and the great danger he poses to America’s democracy. Highlighted is his aggressive style and deep disdain for Democrats, which has polarized the country and brought it to the precipice of violent confrontation between his supporters and detractors, which should concern every American.

Professor Alon Ben-Meir is an expert on Middle East and West Balkan affairs, international negotiations, and conflict resolution. In the past two decades, Ben-Meir has been directly involved in Track II diplomacy involving Israel and its neighboring countries and Turkey. Ben-Meir is a Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute, is featured on a variety of television networks, and regularly briefs at the U.S. State Department for the International Visitor Leadership Program. He writes a weekly article that is syndicated globally. He has authored seven books related to the Middle East, and is currently working on two new books about Syria and Turkey.

Ben-Meir is on Facebook at @ABenMeir, and Twitter at @AlonBenMeir.