Cooperating With Iran’s President-elect Pezeshkian Will Far Outweigh The Risks

The election of the reformist Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s president augurs well for the Iranian people and for relations between the West and Iran. With the best intentions, Pezeshkian may not be able to deliver on all his foreign and domestic agenda; nevertheless, it serves the US’ and Israel’s interests to give him every opportunity…

July 8, 2024 Read more

Why Israel Should Take Its Time To Retaliate Against Iran

Iran’s unprecedented aerial attack on Israel has upended the shadow war between the two countries and created new opportunities to contain Iran while creating a new regional alliance, which is the ultimate deterrent against Iran. Iran’s aerial attack on Israel in retaliation for the latter’s attack on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Syria that killed…

April 17, 2024 Read more

Creating A Strategic Alliance To Stop Iran In Its Tracks

We know enough about the Iranian regime’s fears and ambitions to stop it in its tracks by creating a crescent of allied states stretching from the Gulf to the Mediterranean without violent confrontations or war Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the US has not developed a long-term strategy toward Iran but instead has made…

March 20, 2024 Read more

Iran’s Human Rights Violations Are Indescribable

The Iranian government continues to commit human rights violations and crimes against humanity in its effort to strike terror into the heart of its people. That the government considers itself a devout Muslim regime is sacrilegious and makes a mockery of Islam. Righting the Wrong Iran’s theocratic government is violating every grain of human rights…

January 19, 2023 Read more

A New Strategy Is Needed To Address Iran’s Nuclear Program

A revised Iran nuclear deal based on the 2015 JCPOA could provide the basis for a new Biden administration strategy that would limit Iran’s nuclear program to peaceful purposes and ensure that Tehran’s public pronouncement that it is not seeking to acquire nuclear weapons becomes a de facto reality. Righting the Wrong Regardless of how…

May 4, 2022 Read more

Attacking Iran Is A Recipe For A Catastrophe

Regardless of a success or failure to reach a new agreement with Iran, Israel must not attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and must work closely with the US to develop a joint strategy to curb Iran’s ambition to acquire nuclear weapons and potentially end the conflict with Iran on a more permanent basis Righting the Wrong…

January 27, 2022 Read more

Biden’s Mideast Strategy And Its Geopolitical Implications

The Biden administration’s new Middle East strategy is forcing regional powers to reassess their geostrategic interests and act in a manner that might end several conflicts that have plagued the region Righting the wrong When Biden was running for president, he made it clear that if elected he would chart a new course in addressing…

May 6, 2021 Read more

Trump’s Dreadful Foreign Policy

Recently, I met with a group of officials from different countries who came to the US to learn about our political system and the decision-making process regarding US foreign policy under the Trump administration. Had I been asked this question while Presidents Obama or Bush were in office, I could have answered with some specificity…

January 30, 2020 Read more

Killing Soleimani Undermines Global Order

Those who applaud the assassination of General Soleimani seem to simply equate him to a terrorist who certainly deserved to meet his fate. The question here is not whether he deserved to be killed, but can his killing be equated to those of Osama Bin Laden or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leaders of al-Qaeda and…

January 21, 2020 Read more
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