Netanyahu’s Reality Check Is Overdue

The brief indirect exchange of statements between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, in connection with the latter’s blind determination to execute a de facto coup d’état under the guise of judicial reforms, demonstrates how dangerously delusional Netanyahu has become. For Netanyahu to forget even for a brief moment how critical the US is to…

March 29, 2023 Read more

The Battle Over Israel’s Soul

Israel is facing the greatest danger since its inception—not from any regional adversarial power but from within, led by a largely corrupt cast of political characters and shepherded by a criminal who is willing to destroy the country only to escape justice It is unfathomable that Israel’s future is now hanging in the balance because…

March 22, 2023 Read more

How The Palestinians Lost Their Way

The following is the second installment in a series of three articles. The first addressed how Israel lost its way; the third will demonstrate certain realities on the ground that are not subject to change short of a catastrophe. In that context, since Israeli-Palestinian coexistence is inevitable, both sides must choose between living in peace…

February 15, 2023 Read more

How Israel Lost Its Way

Seventy-five years after its creation, Israel is now raising the fourth generation of warriors who are taught to view every Palestinian as a suspect or a would-be terrorist. Sadly, no Israeli government has considered how this direct and subtle indoctrination is poisoning the minds of its youth, with long-term dire consequences for the country. Righting…

February 9, 2023 Read more

On The March To Destroy Israel As We Know It

The creation of Israel was the realization of a dream of its founders, envisioning the gathering of the Jews in a safe, secure, free, and just state that would end millennium-old persecution of the Jews. It is nothing short of tragic, however, that the newly-formed Netanyahu government is betraying every single principle of the country’s…

January 12, 2023 Read more

The Absurdity Of The Israel-Hamas Relationship

Given that Israel and Hamas collaborate both publicly and tacitly on multiple fronts, one would think they would finally realize that they are stuck and neither can escape the other. It’s time for both to come to terms with their inescapable reality and seek a long-term solution to their conflict In the search for a…

October 27, 2022 Read more

Israel’s Democracy Is In Peril

By all accounts Israel is considered a democratic country, but a close look at its domestic political combustion sadly reveals that Israel’s democracy is in tatters and is tearing at the seams. This is due to the political leaders’ dismal failure to summon their collective resourcefulness and energy to respond to the call of the…

October 6, 2022 Read more

Bennett Is Siding With The Ruthless Killer Putin

Prime Minister Bennett’s “neutrality” in the Russian war against Ukraine is outrageous and contemptable. It runs contrary to every moral principle that Israel is supposed to stand and fight for. Bennett must join the Western alliance in opposing Putin — a merciless tyrant who is committing crimes against humanity and must pay for it One…

April 4, 2022 Read more

A Recipe For More Death And Destruction

The killing spree of eleven Israelis by Palestinian terrorists does nothing but severely damage the Palestinians’ cause, deepen the hatred and mistrust between Israelis and Palestinians, and makes the prospect of finding a solution to their conflict ever more remote There are no words to adequately express my condemnation for the killing spree of innocent…

March 31, 2022 Read more
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