Am I Not A Jew Too?

Nearly two months have passed since the Israeli general elections, and the results reflected a sad reality: dissension, disunity, lack of purpose, party infighting, jealousies and, above all, a hunger to hold onto power.

December 12, 1988 Read more

From Rabat to Algiers

Twenty-four years ago in Rabat, Morocco, the Arab League passed the celebrated "three nos" resolution: no peace, no recognition, no negotiations with Israel. Despite the ambiguities in the declaration issued recently in Algiers by the Palestine National Council, it is widely believed that the Palestine Liberation Organization may have finally come to the unavoidable conclusion that the only way to realize the national aspirations of the Palestinian people is to recognize Israel's right to exist.

November 21, 1988 Read more

Territory and National Identity

One of the major problems that continues to haunt the Israelis and Palestinians is the core issue of national identity as it relates to a territorial settlement.

September 11, 1988 Read more
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