Defeating Terrorism – Introduction

This is the introduction to a major essay on Defeating International Terrorism to be published in a series of 10 weekly segments starting June 13.

We are at a new crossroads in our campaign against international terrorism. Looking at the balance sheet of our successes and failur

June 6, 2004 Read more

Crisis Of Leadership

Although presidential historians may disagree about whether there is a correlation between presidential greatness and the use of force, many of President Bush's advisors believe that, despite the setbacks in Iraq, the war there will still be a major advantage in his re-election campaign

May 16, 2004 Read more

A War That Was Lost Before It Began

I believe that in the wake of the revelations about the sadistically cruel and inhuman abuses of Iraqi prisoners, it is safe to say that America's stature in the world has sunk deeper than at any previous time. It may take us decades before we can regain our moral legitimacy and, if we c

May 12, 2004 Read more

Sharon Must Lead Or Quit

The Likud party's rejection of his disengagement plan represents both a political setback for Prime Minister Sharon and an opportunity for him to strengthen his standing within his party and among Israelis. If the Prime Minister is serious about his plan, as he has repeatedly asserted, t

May 5, 2004 Read more

Never Missed An Opportunity To Miss An Opportunity

Prime Minister Sharon's plan, backed by President Bush, to withdraw from all of Gaza and part of the West Bank, certainly falls short of what the Palestinians seek. Even so, the Palestinian Authority (PA) must capitalize on Mr. Sharon's plan.

Israel's late foreign mi

April 18, 2004 Read more

Energy Independence And Terrorism

In all probability, neither the first Gulf war in 1991, nor the war in Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein, would have occurred had it not been for our continued dependence on Middle-Eastern oil. Time and again, we have placed our men and women in uniform in harm's way and spent hundreds of bill

April 4, 2004 Read more

Yassin’s Killing Offers A Possible Turning Point

Both Israelis and Palestinians are embroiled in strategy built on, and fueled by, fallacy and tragic illusion. Hamas' suicide bombings and Israel's target killings offer both sides an illusion of some gain, but ultimately inflict terrible self-wounds. Thus, the assassination of Hamas&#3

March 28, 2004 Read more

The Fence: A Symbol Of Shattered Dreams

As early as 1994, the late Prime Minister Rabin spoke of the need to separate Israelis and Palestinians by erecting a physical barrier, not only to stop violent attacks against Israel but also to reduce the Palestinians' economic dependence on Israel. But the idea of the fence was reject

March 21, 2004 Read more

The Fence, Settlements And The Palestinians’ Choice

The decision of Prime Minister Sharon to evacuate most of the settlements in Gaza and several settlements in the West Bank offers the Palestinians an opportunity to resume peace negotiations with Israel in earnest. Yet for peace efforts to go forward, Mr. Sharon must realize that he cannot h

February 15, 2004 Read more
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