Negotiating At Cross-Purposes

The latest two suicide bombings in Israel proper and in the West Bank not only underscore the fragility of the two-month-old cease-fire but reveal how little progress has been made in the peace process since President Bush officially unveiled the Road Map. Despite the genuine desire of Prim

August 17, 2003 Read more

Politicizing The War On Terrorism

For every Al Qaeda terrorist captured or killed, scores are being groomed to take over. According to people who read the 28 pages deleted from the publication of the Congressional report on 9/11, they stated, "There is compelling evidence that a foreign government provided direct suppor

August 3, 2003 Read more

An Administration With No Scruples

Whereas the administration finds it now convenient to justify the war in Iraq as a humanitarian effort, it has not found the moral courage to prevent a human tragedy from engulfing the Liberian people. True to its own brand of duplicity, the administration has shown utter disregard for the h

July 27, 2003 Read more

The Tragedy Of Conceding Under Fire

Sharon must never resume negotiations or make any concessions under fire. The most significant achievement emerging from the Israeli-Palestinian renewed contacts under our sponsorship of the road map is that the Palestinians may have finally concluded that violence has failed not only to

July 6, 2003 Read more

Bush’s Weapons Of Mass Delusion

Try as he may, President Bush has failed to make a case for the necessity of a preemptive strike against Iraq. Whether we find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the months or years to come is irrelevant, because the administration's central arguments for war were entirely based on the

July 1, 2003 Read more

A Road Map In Need Of A Compass

For President Bush to breathe real life into the road map for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, he must first insist that two prerequisites are immediately met: The Palestinian Authority must publically recognize and unequivocally accept the Jewish/Israeli historic right to exist in

June 1, 2003 Read more

Why The Road Map Is Doomed To Failure

Unless Israelis and Palestinians dramatically alter their psychological dispositions, prospects for peace will remain illusionary.

The second Intifadah has transformed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict creating, for each side, a new psychological disposition: to deny each othe

May 9, 2003 Read more

Democratizing Iraq

Only a creative federalist political system tailored to the Iraqi people's needs will succeed.

Democratizing Iraq may prove to be a nightmare unless we build on the nation's inherent factionalism by developing a democratic political system that fully reflects Iraqi's

April 27, 2003 Read more

What If WMDs Are Not Found?

As the hunt for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq continues, both critics and supporters of the Bush administration are asking: What if none are found and how will that impact our standing in the international community, especially in the Arab world? Whatever the outcome, the admi

April 21, 2003 Read more
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