Moral Clarity In The War On Terrorism

Just think: One stateless man, Osama Bin-Laden, has affected our national security, defense, and strategic thinking equally, if not more so, than the former Soviet Union, which had tens of thousands of nuclear missiles targeted against us. Throughout the Cold War, we kept the Soviet Union in

July 29, 2002 Read more

It Is The President’s Call

The flurry of diplomatic activity involving Israel, the Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and the European Union in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will soon compel the United States to take a more definitive stand. Whereas all players speak of th

June 9, 2002 Read more

Who Will Succeed Arafat And Why?

For all intents and purposes Yasir Arafat is Mr. Palestine, he has been the symbol, the substance, the servant and the savior of the Palestinian national movement. His time in power, however, although it may not be numbered in days or months, will certainly last no more than a year or two. Who

May 19, 2002 Read more

Guilty Of Perpetuating The Palestinians’ Plight

From the birth of Israel in 1948 to this day, no individual entity, group or state has undermined the Palestinian cause and perpetuated their plight more than the Arab states collectively. It remains up to the Arab leaders, especially those of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to seek an end to th

April 14, 2002 Read more

The Ball Is In Our Court

The United States, and only the United States, is the final political arbiter between Israel and the Palestinians, for only we have the power to stop the current ferocious cycle of mutual destruction. Unfortunately, up until now the Bush administration has shown no vision for peace, no determin

March 31, 2002 Read more

Negotiating A Way Out Of The Morass

The momentum generated by Crown Prince Abdullah's peace proposal, the United Nation's resolution calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the establishment of a Palestinian state, and the Bush administration's renewed commitment to end the violence, coupled with the growing internal Israeli as well as Palestinian pressure on their respective authorities to halt the escalating violence, could produce a cease-fire that will subsequently lead to political negotiations.

March 17, 2002 Read more

2001 Is America’s Year

The year 2001 will especially be remembered for the unforgiven attack on our way of life, with the images of the destruction of the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon defining our new perspective of ourselves and our nation. We can now allow ourselves to focus on the events of September 11, wage a successful war to eradicate the perpetrators, and be satisfied to end there or, use the war as a means to realize a broad international agenda that has the potential to yield far- reaching benefits globally.

December 16, 2001 Read more

The War on Terrorism and The Palestinian Question

The question that has been much talked about in recent weeks is whether there is or there should be any connection between the war on terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Those who claim there is no linkage are simply wrong. If a direct linkage did not exist before September 11th, it does now.

October 13, 2001 Read more

Why Are We Hated?

The question that has been asked most frequently in the wake of the horrific terrorist attack of September 11 is why America is hated so intensely, so much so that individuals are motivated to kill indiscriminately and in the process die without hesitation. A number of reasons can provide the "

September 28, 2001 Read more
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