Changing The Dynamic

The strike at what Israel has characterized as a training camp for Palestinian militants near Damascus and the fact that the Bush administration condoned the attack (1) changes the dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and 2) sends an ominous warning to Damascus to stop the flow of Sy

October 12, 2003 Read more

A Tragic Strategy

No issue has complicated and frustrated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as has the problem of the Palestinian refugees and the question of their right of return. Unlike other critical issues that have obfuscated the conflict, such as the future of Jerusalem or the disposition of the settlem

September 28, 2003 Read more

Will Syria Be Next?

The short answer is No. The long answer is that although on the surface there seem to be several similarities between Syria and Iraq, treating Syria as if it were just another stage in our war on terrorism, will be disastrous to our strategic interests in the Middle East and have a dangero

April 13, 2003 Read more

Defying Conventional Wisdom

To suggest that there might be an opportunity for Israel and Syria to achieve a peace agreement at this juncture when turmoil and uncertainty rule in the Middle East defies conventional wisdom. But it is exactly when everything seems to break down that people with vision seek a break

October 6, 2002 Read more

An Open Letter To Yasir Arafat

Dear Mr. Arafat:

Time has grown short, and you must now face this inevitable crossroad: Either cling to the vestiges of your power at any cost and thus torpedo any timely prospect of a solution to your people's plight, or bow out gracefully and be remembered as the hero who has est

July 10, 2002 Read more

Guilty Of Perpetuating The Palestinians’ Plight

From the birth of Israel in 1948 to this day, no individual entity, group or state has undermined the Palestinian cause and perpetuated their plight more than the Arab states collectively. It remains up to the Arab leaders, especially those of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to seek an end to th

April 14, 2002 Read more

Peace With Syria First

By any Israeli geopolitical and strategic configuration, Syria remains the key to a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace. No one understands this premise better that Prime Minister Sharon.

February 12, 2001 Read more

Assad’s Legacy and its Impact on the Peace Process

The sudden death of Syria's President El-Asad has dramatically changed the political landscape in the Middle East. It has the potential to complicate the Syrian-Lebanese- Israeli conflict and further destabilize the region, or to create new opportunities for achieving a comprehensive Arab-Israel

June 12, 2000 Read more

A New Status for Syria

When President Clinton meets with President Hafez Assad in Geneva mid-January, he should use the occasion to announce the removal of Syria from the State Department's list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

April 11, 2000 Read more
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