The Most Damning Hearing Yet

Last Thursday’s hearing by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol was nothing but shocking. If we were watching a movie based on a fictitious story portraying an American president who had done what Trump attempted to do it would have still been simply so far-fetched beyond what anyone could…

July 24, 2022 Read more

Our Democracy Faces The Gravest Danger

Unless the Republicans and Democrats put the nation above their party and personal interests, our democracy will face the gravest danger in more than a hundred years. Authoritarianism will creep in, leading to the collapse of American political institutions and the demise of our democracy as we know it. Righting the Wrong On January 6,…

January 4, 2022 Read more

Trump Is Pushing The Country To The Brink Of Civil War

On Wednesday Trump yet again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power following the election: “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens. You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster.” Trump has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he has no respect for…

September 25, 2020 Read more

How Did We Get To This Dire State Of Affairs?

We are in desperate need of unity, public engagement, and spiritual renewal to rediscover the faith in our ability to overcome any adversity and prevail. As I survey our state of the Union, I feel deeply troubled and dismayed, wondering why and how we here in America got to this dire state of affairs in…

July 30, 2020 Read more

Trump The Wannabe Dictator

Trump is unlike any of his predecessors; he is corrupt to the core and his self-interest comes before the nation. He will stoop to any low, cheat, lie, threaten, viciously attack his opponents, suppress voting rights, and continue to delegitimize the upcoming elections even before they take place. I, like many of my fellow Americans,…

July 23, 2020 Read more

The Pandemic Of Racism In America

The continuing demonstrations throughout the country suggest not only the obvious—that Black lives matter—but that racism is consuming America from within, that injustice affects the perpetrators just as much as the victims, that enough is enough. The rage, desperation, and determination which continue to bring tens of thousands of Americans to the streets in protest…

July 16, 2020 Read more

The Last Chance For A Viable Two-State Solution

Notwithstanding what has been commonly discussed, if the Netanyahu government moves on its plan to annex nearly 30 percent of the West Bank, which will include the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements, it would precipitate major adversarial repercussions for Israel. To begin with, violence between Israelis and Palestinians will substantially increase and potentially lead to…

June 17, 2020 Read more

The Republicans’ Treasonous Betrayal Of The American People

There is nothing that Trump says or does that will surprise me anymore, no matter how shocking or outrageous. After three and a half years in office, he has ushered America to the brink of anarchy, a political condition that I now believe he has sought all along. But what is even more treacherous than…

June 8, 2020 Read more

The Pandemic Underlines America’s Ingrained Racism

The murder of George Floyd by a police officer in broad daylight came amid a high point in the continuing rampage of the coronavirus throughout the country, killing over 100,000 and infecting nearly 2 million while more than 45 million have lost their jobs. The death of Floyd is no longer seen merely as an…

June 2, 2020 Read more
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