The Beginning Of The End Of Erdogan’s Era

The result of the recent municipal elections in Turkey represents a major shift in public sentiment toward President Erdogan, which will have major political ramifications that will bring him down in disgrace. It is true that the economic crisis and the ineptitude he exhibited in dealing with it played an important role in the election…

April 25, 2019 Read more

The Balkans: The Feast Feeding Russia’s And Turkey’s Hunger

Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra The political tension between Kosovo and Serbia is creating a perfect environment wherein Turkey and Russia can lure the two countries into their respective spheres of influence. High-ranking US and EU envoys are trying to resolve the long-standing dispute, urging Serbia and Kosovo to normalize relations when in fact it…

March 11, 2019 Read more

Sacrificing Greatness For Personal Ambition

An Open Letter to President Erdogan Over the past year, I had the opportunity to speak to many Turkish scholars and former government officials, the majority of whom left your country because they feared for their lives and their loved ones. The one question that kept on surfacing is why a leader like you—who has…

February 14, 2019 Read more

Gülen And Erdogan’s Islamic Rivalry And Its Consequences

By Alon Ben Meir and Arbana Xharra Until five years ago, Fethullah Gülen and Turkey’s President Erdogan were allies who supported each other. Both use Islam as the basis for their doctrine, which made them ideologically different from the revolutionary secularist stateman Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the new Republic of Turkey in 1923….

December 3, 2018 Read more

Erdogan’s Hooligans Came Knocking On NYU’s Doors

Last week I conducted a panel discussion about Turkey under the leadership of Erdogan. The day before the event, we were alerted that several of Erdogan’s stooges will await us to disrupt the event, and we feared that violence may erupt. Earlier in the morning, NYU received a letter from one of the Turkish dictator’s…

October 31, 2018 Read more

Diyanet: Erdogan’s Islamic Vehicle To The Balkans

By Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra A billboard at a construction site, with a photo of an Ottoman-style mosque with four minarets and the flag of Turkey, was erected recently in the center of Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. With less than 2 million people, Kosovo, which declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, is…

October 18, 2018 Read more

Bosnia, Erdogan’s “Jerusalem At The Heart Of Europe”

Alon-Ben Meir and Arbana Xharra As Turkey’s President Erdogan runs out of money, he is now, more than any time before, using religion to exploit the Balkans, especially the states that are more susceptible to Islamic influence. Bosnia is at the fore of Erdogan’s ambitious Islamic agenda, where he is sparing no political capital or…

September 14, 2018 Read more

Erdogan’s Reelection And Its Dire Consequences

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The reelection of Turkey’s President Erdogan, falsely considered to be free, fair, and representative of the will of the majority of the Turkish population, has dire implications both domestic and foreign. Supporters of Erdogan suggest that the elections only reinforce the democratic nature of the country and that…

June 28, 2018 Read more
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