America Faces A Fateful Crossroad In 2022

Righting the Wrong When my assistant handed me copy expressing my greetings and good wishes for 2022 for approval, I paused, thinking, “is that all I can say, just hope for a better, brighter new year?” How much happier and sunnier can next year be, when we still suffer from the deep scars and bleeding…

December 20, 2021 Read more

Can The Retreat Of Democracy Be Reversed?

Righting the Wrong The Summit for Democracy that President Biden is spearheading in December, at which scores of countries will be in in attendance, is certainly timely and necessary. I do not expect revolutionary and immediate measures to be adopted at the summit to save democracies from their rapid erosion in so many countries. The…

November 19, 2021 Read more

We Must Not Allow The Republicans To Destroy Our Basic Values

By Alon Ben-Meir and Sam Ben-Meir Righting the Wrong We have been criticizing the Republican leadership over many issues, beginning with the fact that they have systematically opposed any legislation advanced by Democrats that would better the lives of American people, from healthcare to housing, minimum wages, renewable energy, labor unions, and more. Making the…

August 26, 2021 Read more

Biden’s Mideast Strategy And Its Geopolitical Implications

The Biden administration’s new Middle East strategy is forcing regional powers to reassess their geostrategic interests and act in a manner that might end several conflicts that have plagued the region Righting the wrong When Biden was running for president, he made it clear that if elected he would chart a new course in addressing…

May 6, 2021 Read more

The Danger To Our Democracy Is The Republican Party

While I cheer Biden’s victory in the presidential election, I lament the state of the union Trump is leaving behind. Sadly, Biden’s victory has not been a repudiation of Trump, as he received more votes than any Republican candidate before him, which shocked millions of Americans. Why? Trump is a creature of our own making….

November 18, 2020 Read more

I Want My American Dream Back

As a little Jewish boy in the streets of Baghdad I was looked upon by Arab boys my age as inferior. I became accustomed to it as if it were a natural phenomenon which I could do little to change. When my family and I landed in Israel following the historic exodus of the Iraqi…

November 2, 2020 Read more

Trump Is Pushing The Country To The Brink Of Civil War

On Wednesday Trump yet again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power following the election: “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens. You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster.” Trump has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he has no respect for…

September 25, 2020 Read more

Serbia-Kosovo Agreement Falls Far Short Of Ending Their Conflict

The recent agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, brokered by the US, to normalize economic relations between the two countries fell short of the needed reconciliation process that would lead to full recognition of Kosovo’s independence by Serbia. Some elements of the economic normalization agreement are positive, including operationalizing the peace highway and the rail link…

September 10, 2020 Read more

America’s Prisons Are Outrageously Unjust

Even a cursory review of our prison system reveals the outrageous inhumanity to which hundreds of thousands of prisoners, especially young adults, are subjected to, many of whom are imprisoned for non-violent crimes, sometimes for life. Some of the cases I came across are simply heart wrenching, bringing tears to my eyes. The over-policing of…

August 14, 2020 Read more
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