The Closure Of Parallel Institutions And Its Ramifications

Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti’s consistent efforts to assert Kosovo’s sovereignty over the predominantly ethnic Serb municipalities do not bolster Kosovo’s independence. Instead, Kurti’s misplaced efforts only strain EU-Kosovo ties while exposing his lack of confidence in Kosovo’s sovereign resiliency Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti’s decision to close five parallel institutions for the predominantly ethnic Serbians in…

September 5, 2024 Read more

US Support Of UN Organizations Must Remain Unabated

US financial support of various UN organizations is critical not only for the fulfillment of their humanitarian causes but also to serve America’s best national interests. Such support bolsters its global leadership role and influence, enabling it to walk on high moral ground During Donald Trump’s presidency, the United States withdrew from several international organizations….

September 3, 2024 Read more

Neutralizing Iran’s Nuclear Threat Without Force Or Sanctions

All past efforts to block Iran’s march toward becoming a nuclear power have failed. It is time for the US and Israel to develop a new strategy that factors in the possibility that Iran will become a nuclear power but renders it futile without using force or levying new sanctions while creating a new sustainable…

August 20, 2024 Read more

Netanyahu’s Scheming Has Hit A Dead End

Netanyahu feels that all stars are aligned together to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, but agreeing on a ceasefire with Hamas will deprive him of realizing this “historic opportunity” and jeopardize his political survival. His days of scheming have hit a dead end The Iranian Ambassador to the UN indicated last Friday that Tehran’s response to…

August 14, 2024 Read more

Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel Down On His Catastrophic Journey To Hell

Israel has never faced the kind of horrific state in which it currently finds itself since its establishment in 1948. It is hard to fathom how an Israeli prime minister would risk the very existence of the millennia-old dream of Jewish statehood only to serve his unquenched thirst for power and exoneration for his apocalyptic…

August 5, 2024 Read more

Harris Is Best-Positioned To Lead The Way

Within the Democratic field, no potential candidate for president is better-positioned, at this juncture, to defeat Trump more skillfully and pointedly than Harris. She is writing a new chapter in American history that will chart a new national course impacting future generations When it became clear that President Biden would likely drop out of the…

July 30, 2024 Read more

Biden’s Inadvertent Contribution To The Unfolding Horror In Gaza

With the best of intentions, President Biden allowed his unwavering commitment to Israel’s security to not only prolong the tragically horrific war in Gaza and severely taint America’s international moral standing, but also potentially miss a historic opportunity to help bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a close I share the overall view of the 12…

July 18, 2024 Read more

Cooperating With Iran’s President-elect Pezeshkian Will Far Outweigh The Risks

The election of the reformist Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s president augurs well for the Iranian people and for relations between the West and Iran. With the best intentions, Pezeshkian may not be able to deliver on all his foreign and domestic agenda; nevertheless, it serves the US’ and Israel’s interests to give him every opportunity…

July 8, 2024 Read more
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