A Perilous Implosion Awaits Israel Unless True Democracy Prevails

To prevent creeping authoritarianism and the complete disintegration of Israel’s democracy, it will be crucial to not only preserve the independence of the judiciary but to embrace other central pillars on which democracy rests. The socio-political turmoil in Israel which is manifested by the pervasive hostility, distrust, and disdain between the religious nationalists and secular…

August 10, 2023 Read more

Israel Is On The Brink Of A Disaster. Will History Repeat Itself?

The battle over Israel’s democracy, if not its very soul, has been raging since the current Netanyahu government came to power seven months ago. The passage of the first round of ‘reforms’ has made an indelible crack in Israel’s democracy; if the public’s outcry to prevent further reforms fails, the country itself will forfeit its…

July 24, 2023 Read more

How The Palestinian Leaders Contributed To The Disastrous Israeli Occupation

The following is the second installment in a series of three articles. The first addressed the occupation and Jewish values. The third will establish certain realities on the ground that are not subject to change and offer a framework for a permanent solution in the context of creating an Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian confederation. Although the 56-year-old Israeli…

July 19, 2023 Read more

The Occupation And Jewish Values

This article is the first in a series of three that examines the mistakes that both Israelis and Palestinians have made, creating a vicious cycle, and how to find a way out. This article focuses on the occupation which defies Jewish values and intensifies the gravity of the humanitarian crisis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since…

July 11, 2023 Read more

America Faces Its Greatest Peril Since The Civil War

Republican leaders who claim to put country before party must now rise up along with their Democratic colleagues and together save the country from extremist right-wing Republicans before it’s too late. Those Republicans surrendered their soul and conscience to Trump—a criminal and corrupt wannabe dictator who flouts the rule of law and is ready to…

June 21, 2023 Read more

The US And The EU Need A New Roadmap To Solve The Serbia-Kosovo Conflict

It is naïve to assume that given the current geopolitical conditions in the Balkans and the psychological dimension of the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia that a resolution to their conflict can be found unless the EU and the US develop a clearly articulated cost-and-benefit strategy cushioned by a realistic process of reconciliation The recent…

June 14, 2023 Read more

Kurti’s Confrontation With The United States Is Alarming

It is time for Kosovo’s Prime Minister Kurti to wake to the reality in which he finds himself and demonstrate the statesmanship and the vision to do the right thing for his country’s security, stability, and progress The recent flareup in Northern Kosovo brought about as a result of the local elections in the Serb-majority…

June 7, 2023 Read more

Saudi Arabia Is Best Positioned To Be The Peace Maker

This article was originally published in CNN Arabic Israel and the Palestinians will not find a solution to their conflict without third-party mediation. Such a party is no longer the traditional arbiter, the US, but Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have created a promising geostrategic environment in the region and have the means and the political…

May 30, 2023 Read more
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