The Kurds Under Erdogan’s Tyrannical Governance

Tens of thousands have been killed over 40 years of bloodletting between Turkish forces and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and tragically there seems to be no end in sight. In May 2016, President Erdogan stated that military operations against the PKK will continue until “the very last rebel is killed.” What is alarming about…

July 5, 2017 Read more

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of President Macron

Gilles Pargneaux, MEP, and Professor Alon Ben-Meir, New York University Over the years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been characterized, and for good reasons, as the most intractable and irreconcilable conflict since the Second World War. The status quo erodes every day the prospect of a solution, but the changing geopolitical winds in the Middle East…

June 26, 2017 Read more

The Unfinished Six Day War: An open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu, Since you celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the Six Day War, did you ponder what this triumph has done to the Palestinian people and to the moral character of the state of Israel? I am not sure how harshly history will judge you, but one thing is certain—I,…

June 12, 2017 Read more

Fifty Years Of Immoral Occupation

Today, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank has reached the milestone of 50 years that will be recalled in shame. Fifty years that have dehumanized both the occupier and the occupied; years of failing to muster the courage to right the wrong. Fifty years that bred nothing but hatred and contempt for the other;…

June 5, 2017 Read more

Trump’s ‘Historic’ Visit To The Middle East: Much Ado About Nothing

Sadly, President Trump’s visit to the Middle East only confirmed my skepticism about what might come out of it. Trump went to the region with nothing to offer to mitigate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and received no commitment from either Israeli or Palestinian leaders to resume the peace negotiations in earnest, but he received lots of…

May 25, 2017 Read more

Reviving Israeli-Palestinian Talks Now Will Go Nowhere

President Trump’s upcoming visit to Israel and Palestine—during which he hopes to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process—will go nowhere unless he fully understands the complexity of the conflict and why previous attempts by successive American administrations to negotiate a peace deal have failed. Recently, he stated that “I want to see peace with Israel and…

May 17, 2017 Read more

The Disunity Of Israel’s Opposition Parties Is Serving The Occupation

Israel will soon reach on June 5th the grim milestone of fifty years of occupation of the West Bank. Many Israelis have become complacent and succumbed to the government’s argument that the continuing occupation is necessary to safeguard Israel’s national security. Others are lamenting the day, as they view the occupation not only as a…

May 10, 2017 Read more

Israeli And Palestinian Women Must Raise The Banner Of Revolt

On the sad occasion of the fiftieth year of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, I will be writing a series of articles that will propose a number of peaceful people-to-people measures—which have been largely missing—that Israelis and Palestinians must take to bring an end to the occupation. This is the first article that…

April 27, 2017 Read more
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