Deradicalization In Refugee Camps And Beyond

The influx of millions of Syrian refugees to Europe is more than likely to become another source of radicalization that could increase the number of violent extremists among the refugees and lead to further acts of terror in their host countries. Depending on how long the refugees stay in camps and the way they are…

May 19, 2016 Read more

How Turkey Became A De Facto Dictatorship

Cartoon by Sam Ben-Meir The forced resignation of Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu suggests only one thing—President Erdogan, who is totally absorbed by his lust for power, will tolerate no one in his government to deviate from any of his political positions. Prime Minister Davutoğlu was no exception. Although the Turkish constitution grants the Prime…

May 12, 2016 Read more

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Breaking the Deadlock

By Alon Ben Meir, Professor at New York University, Expert on Middle-East Politics, specializing in negotiations and conflict resolution And Gilles Pargneaux, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-president of the delegation with Mashrek Countries The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has rarely been so far from finding a resolution. Since the cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas…

May 3, 2016 Read more

The Global Crisis Of Leadership

A question often raised is: are leaders a reflection of their time, or are they individuals who rise to answer the call of the hour? History has shown that many have risen to the occasion out of strong moral conviction. The events and the circumstances at the time were such that acting or failing to…

April 21, 2016 Read more

The Palestinian Leadership…To Where?

An open letter to President Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas Political Chief Khaled Meshal, and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Cartoon by Sam Ben-Meir Dear President Abbas, Mr. Meshal, and Prime Minister Haniyeh, I am writing this open letter to you because I believe that it’s time for you to take a hard look at the dismal reality…

April 7, 2016 Read more

Why The Brussels Attack Was All But Inevitable

The horrific attacks in Brussels by terrorists affiliated with ISIS that claimed the lives of 35 people and injured more than 200 was all but inevitable. These attacks may well increase in frequency and intensity in many European cities where citizens travel freely and violent extremists among them can plot attacks without early detection. Although…

March 30, 2016 Read more

How Syria Was Swept By The Merchants of Death

In the wake of the unimaginable horror of World War II the international community committed itself to never allow such atrocities to take place again with impunity. But as was the case with the many tragic genocides that happened since then, including Bosnia and Rwanda, witnessing in real time the systematic destruction of a country…

March 25, 2016 Read more

The Unraveling Of Turkey’s Democracy

Supporters of Gulen movement shout slogans during a protest outside the Kanalturk and Bugun TV building in Istanbul October 28, 2015. REUTERS/Osman Orsal Only a few months after Turkey’s President Erdogan raided the offices of the Koza Ipek Media Group, the Turkish police assaulted early this month the offices of Feza Publications, which owns two…

March 9, 2016 Read more

A Plea For Reason: An Open Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu, I write this letter to you with a heavy heart as it pains me deeply to see the beautiful dream of a strong and proud Israel, the country that was expected to embrace what is virtuous, moral, and just, now losing its reason for being—as a free and secure Jewish state…

February 23, 2016 Read more
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