Trump Must Never Listen To The Warmonger Bolton

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir Waging a war against Iran, or even thinking of doing so, is sheer madness. Trump has thus far wisely rejected the warmonger National Security Advisor John Bolton’s outrageous advice. Waging another war in the Mideast, this time against Iran, would have not only disastrous consequences for the US…

May 23, 2019 Read more

To Prevent Brain Drain, Kosovo Must Eradicate Corruption

Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra On the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the end of Kosovo war, the country is facing a dramatic large-scale brain drain. Every day, young professionals wait in long lines in front of EU embassies to apply for visas to legally leave Kosovo in the search for job opportunities and…

May 15, 2019 Read more

The Taliban And The US: Accepting The Inevitable

The longest war in American history may come to an end following an agreement in principle between the US and the Taliban which was recently concluded in Doha. It is significant in that it is the first time the US and the Taliban negotiated face-to-face, the negotiations were made public, and the principle accord that…

January 31, 2019 Read more

It’s Time For Congresswomen To Take The Lead

The election of a record number of women to Congress is significant in that Congresswomen are more likely to focus on socio-economic and gender-based issues that have largely been either ignored or resisted by a predominantly male Congress. The fact that nearly 25% of the House and Senate are now women means their voices can…

December 13, 2018 Read more

A Two-Pronged Policy Needed To Stem The Flow Of Migrants

To dramatically slow the flow of illegal immigration and even end it does not rest on building walls or sending troops to the border, or by heartlessly snatching children from their mothers’ arms, or by incarceration, deportation, or prosecution. A big part of the answer lies in economic development, mainly sustainable development projects, in the…

December 6, 2018 Read more

The Democrats’ Victory Can Save The Republican Party

The retaking of the House by the Democrats will soon allow them to exercise checks and balances and stop the Republicans from going down a slippery slope. Otherwise, the party would have slid into complete self-implosion as they blindly but willingly followed Trump’s chaotic political agenda. During the past two years, Trump and his party…

November 15, 2018 Read more

America Must Not Live And Die By The Gun

When I woke up yesterday morning, I was shocked yet once again to read about Wednesday’s mass killing of 12 people during “college night” at a country music bar in southern California, sending hundreds fleeing in terror. I have young children who occasionally visit these types of bars, and I can only imagine how devastating…

November 9, 2018 Read more

“Army Of Islam”: Erdogan’s Plot Against Israel

This article is co-written by Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra. Arbana Xharra authored a series of investigative reports on religious extremists and Turkey’s Islamic agenda operating in the Balkans. She has won numerous awards for her reporting, and was a 2015 recipient of the International Women of Courage Award from the US State Department. Less…

March 21, 2018 Read more
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