Is A War Between Israel And Iran/Hezbollah Imminent?

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The recent violation of Israel’s air space by an Iranian drone and Israel’s retaliation against Syrian and Iranian targets prompted many observers to suggest that the growing regional tension resulting from such incidents may precipitate a war between Israel and Iran/Hezbollah, and perhaps inadvertently with Syria as well….

March 14, 2018 Read more

Murder By Congress

Once again, we are faced with another mass shooting. This time the cold-blooded killings took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 14 innocent students and three adults. This horrific mass murder of young and old attests to the criminal negligence of our lawmakers and president, who dispense with their responsibility by offering to…

February 16, 2018 Read more

The US’ Enablement Jeopardizes Israel’s Future

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The United States has been and remains the staunchest supporter of Israel, and its unqualified support will cause significant damage to Israel’s future wellbeing. The US’ continued political, military and economic backing has enabled Israel in the past to maintain the occupation and create new political and physical…

February 7, 2018 Read more

The Dangerous Erosion Of The US’ Global Leadership

Artwork by Michael Anderson Only one year after Trump was inaugurated, the US has already suffered an alarming setback to its global leadership role and badly damaged its image. In short order, Trump managed to bewilder our friends and allies, intensify the enmity between us and our foes, and evoke fear, concerns, and unpredictability to…

January 24, 2018 Read more

A Party That Has Lost Its Soul

As the mid-term political campaigns begin, perhaps we should pause and think where this country is headed under the leadership of Trump, with the House and Senate in control of the Republican party—a party that has lost its soul and its way, failing to safeguard America’s national interest. This is a party that strives to…

January 11, 2018 Read more

The ABCs of Trump’s Political Demise

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir As we approach the end of Trump’s first year in office, it seems appropriate to survey his performance and his outlook for the future. But right at the onset, one cannot escape the conclusion that, unlike any other of his predecessors, he is a weird and wild president…

December 21, 2017 Read more

Trump’s Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital And The Prospect Of A Two-State Solution

I was in Israel when Trump made his announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Initially, I thought Israelis would pour out into the streets celebrating this ‘historic’ moment, but other than small chatter here and there, and some expressions of jubilation, not much else gripped the nation. On the Palestinian side, relatively small demonstrations broke…

December 14, 2017 Read more

Child Poverty In America Is Indefensible

The Trump administration’s proposals on the annual budget, the efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and restructuring of the tax system all point to a sad and even tragic conclusion. The poor will be poorer, dilapidated towns will continue to crumble, and crime will rise; but worst of all, our underprivileged…

October 26, 2017 Read more

An Open Letter To President Trump

To listen to an audio version of this article, click here. I find it extremely hard to call you “President Trump” because sadly for America, you neither act like a president nor speak like one. You neither have the moral authority that a president needs to project, nor the courage of one. You have neither…

August 30, 2017 Read more
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