Hating America: A Threat To National Security

Nearly four years have passed since 9/11 and yet hatred toward America, especially in the Muslim and Arab world has intensified, so much so that tens of thousands, propelled by these feelings, are not just motivated to kill indiscriminately but die without hesitation. A number of reasons can prov

April 23, 2005 Read more

Curbing Iran’s Nuclear Threat

Since the beginning of Mr. Bush’s first term, his administration has failed to pursue a coherent policy toward either Iran or North Korea to curb their appetite for developing nuclear weapons. The administration’s stubborn refusal to negotiate directly with North Korea finally pushed

February 13, 2005 Read more

Defusing Iran’s “Nuclear Weapons”

For the United States to restrain Iran from pursuing a nuclear program will require a multi-pronged approach that can, over time, diminish Iran's strategic ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons or neutralize such weapons should it, nevertheless, acquire them. The continuation of Bush administra

October 10, 2004 Read more

Defeating Terrorism 5

New York, August 15, 2004 – – To prevent catastrophic attacks, and ultimately defeat terrorism, the next administration must develop a comprehensive strategy comprised of 10 distinct critical domestic and international policy agendas it needs to be act on simultaneously. The following is the fift

July 31, 2004 Read more

Misguided And Perilous Strategy

The disproportionate efforts, resources, and time that the preparation for war with Iraq are exacting from the administration, have undermined other critical issues, such as the war on terrorism, dealing effectively with other rogue nations, and fixing what's wrong with the nat

December 14, 2002 Read more

The Folly Of “The Axis Of Evil”

Much has been said in reaction to President Bush's characterization in his State of the Union address of Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the "axis of evil." An overwhelming consensus here at home and abroad seems to have emerged that the president's characterization is, at best, misguided. Lumping all three nations together as if we could deal with them on equal terms only undermines our national interest and the war against terrorism.

February 17, 2002 Read more

The Case For Trading The Golan For Peace

There may be a first real opportunity in 50 years for Israel and Syria to make peace. But this historic opportunity could be lost because of fierce resistance to a full withdrawal from the Golan Heights led by the Israeli opposition parties and parties within Barak's own coalition government. Th

December 19, 1999 Read more

Containing Iran Undermines Our Interests

Much has changed since the Iran revolution in 1979, but we have failed to change with time. Continuing our policy of containment and sanctions against Iran, not only undermines our strategic interests in the Gulf, it strains our relationship with our allies inside and outside the region.


August 30, 1999 Read more

Inspections Rather Than Maintaining Sanctions

Economic sanctions against Iraq are no longer working. It is time for the United States to agree to replace them with a new strategy that will rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein, alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi people, and bolster our strategic interests in the Gulf.

The danger of having no United

August 21, 1999 Read more
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