Netanyahu Is Israel’s Most Dangerous Enemy

None of Israel’s enemies pose a greater danger to Israel than Netanyahu and his messianic government. I make the case against him based on his policies, actions, and public statements, which consistently and unequivocally demonstrate that he alone is responsible for the perilous state of affairs in which Israel finds itself today Never in Israel’s…

June 28, 2024 Read more

Gantz’s Resignation Will Have Serious Implications On The War

The leader of the National Unity party, Gantz, who resigned from the war cabinet, may well force Netanyahu’s hand to make a decision that he has avoided for months. He must decide who will govern Gaza ‘The Day After,’ following the end of hostilities, and what role, if any, Hamas will play The resignation of…

June 10, 2024 Read more

Israel-Hamas War Affirms The Indispensability Of A Two-State Solution

Unless Israel establishes an endgame strategy that will lead to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the war against Hamas will only be another brutal violent episode that will prepare the ground for the next conflagration engulfing the West Bank and potentially set the entire region on fire Whereas Israel’s stated goal from the…

December 5, 2023 Read more

Should NATO Enter The Russian-Ukrainian Fray?

It is hard to describe the excruciatingly painful destruction Putin is inflicting on Ukraine. However, whereas NATO should provide Ukraine with active defensive military equipment, it should not directly join the war which could ignite a major European if not world war. There are growing voices from academia, the military, and former and current American…

March 23, 2022 Read more

Putting Israel To Shame Will Be Bennett’s Legacy

Bennett’s journey to Moscow was bound to fail from the onset; but for Bennett, who thought the trip would provide him an opportunity to show statesmanship, instead it sadly revealed his shortsightedness and self-indulgence. It has now become clear that Prime Minister Bennett’s trip to Moscow failed to produce a negotiated settlement to end the…

March 11, 2022 Read more

“Why Was I Ever Born”

While tens of thousands of Yemeni men, women and children are dying from starvation and disease, the world is shamelessly watching with deafening silence Righting the Wrong The bombing continues unabated. The explosions are heard in the distance. A family with seven children is cowering in fear in a corner of their shack, Daring not…

February 1, 2021 Read more

We Must Not Grow Numb To The Yazidi Genocide

A few week ago, I had an opportunity to meet with six members of the Yazidi community, including journalists and activists. I must admit that although I knew and was very shaken when I first learned about the horrifying attack by ISIS on the Yazidi community in Sinjar, Iraq, listening to their account of what…

October 23, 2019 Read more

The Taliban And The US: Accepting The Inevitable

The longest war in American history may come to an end following an agreement in principle between the US and the Taliban which was recently concluded in Doha. It is significant in that it is the first time the US and the Taliban negotiated face-to-face, the negotiations were made public, and the principle accord that…

January 31, 2019 Read more

Syria: A Testament To International Moral Bankruptcy

Much has been written about Syria’s civil war which has engulfed the country for the past six years, but sadly the mounting death and destruction in Syria has long since become mere statistics. The international community grew comfortably numb to the horror, the likes of which we haven’t seen since World War II. Both internal…

August 15, 2017 Read more
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