Why America’s Future Hangs In The Balance In November

If you are planning to watch the Biden-Trump debate this Thursday, June 27, please keep in mind two things: their record and their truthfulness. One of the two men will be the next President of the United States. Which of the two will you trust to protect and preserve all that this country stands for:…

June 26, 2024 Read more

America Faces Its Greatest Peril Since The Civil War

Republican leaders who claim to put country before party must now rise up along with their Democratic colleagues and together save the country from extremist right-wing Republicans before it’s too late. Those Republicans surrendered their soul and conscience to Trump—a criminal and corrupt wannabe dictator who flouts the rule of law and is ready to…

June 21, 2023 Read more

The Midterm Election: A Rude Awakening For The Republican Party

The result of the midterm election has caused a seriously widening fissure within the Republican party. The leadership as well as the rank and file of the party must now choose between following Trump’s hopeless pursuit of the presidency again or abandon him once and for all in pursuit of constructive conservatism while protecting and…

November 20, 2022 Read more

Mending The US-Saudi Relationship Is Critical To Their Mutual Geostrategic Interest

The US’ misperception of its bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia on a number of fronts has contributed dramatically to the present heightened tension between them. It is critical that at this juncture the two countries recalibrate their relationship and renew their geostrategic partnership Even a cursory review of the US-Saudi Arabia relationship over the past…

November 3, 2022 Read more

The Zealot Conservative News Outlets Shatter The Virtue Of Free Speech

Right-wing media outlets including Fox News, One America News (OAN), Newsmax, and talk radio are grossly abusing the right to free speech and are causing profound, if not irreparable damage to our country at home and abroad. They have been engaged in these deliberate practices of spreading poisonous misinformation all in the name of free…

July 29, 2022 Read more

The Most Damning Hearing Yet

Last Thursday’s hearing by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol was nothing but shocking. If we were watching a movie based on a fictitious story portraying an American president who had done what Trump attempted to do it would have still been simply so far-fetched beyond what anyone could…

July 24, 2022 Read more

The American Tragedy

I am at a loss for words to describe my utter outrage, my excruciating pain, and my revulsion at yet another massacre in what has become an unending cycle of carnage wrought by guns. The perpetrators are not only the murderers themselves but the Republican members of Congress who enable them to commit such heinous…

May 25, 2022 Read more

Beware America

I only echo the voices of thousands who sounded the alarm before me, but then again it cannot be said enough. America is facing unprecedented social and political peril. We must mobilize every resource humanly possible to prevent a catastrophe from happening before it is too late. Righting the Wrong Since Trump rose to power…

May 19, 2022 Read more

Our Democracy Faces The Gravest Danger

Unless the Republicans and Democrats put the nation above their party and personal interests, our democracy will face the gravest danger in more than a hundred years. Authoritarianism will creep in, leading to the collapse of American political institutions and the demise of our democracy as we know it. Righting the Wrong On January 6,…

January 4, 2022 Read more
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