Biden’s Balancing Act: Israel’s National Security Versus The Palestinians’ Humanitarian Crisis

Alon Ben-Meir · Biden's Balancing Act: Israel's National Security Versus the Palestinians' Humanitarian Crisis In recent weeks, the Biden administration has found itself facing a serious dilemma as to how to balance its commitment to Israel’s national security along with the humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinians in Gaza. Whereas the United States provides military aid…

March 14, 2024 Read more

Netanyahu Is Rendering Israel Morally Bankrupt

This article is a selection from my upcoming book, A Historic Point of Departure: Bringing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a close and creating a new regional geopolitical order, set to be published in April 2024. Israel must uphold its moral values and make every effort to spare the lives of innocent Palestinians as it pursues…

March 7, 2024 Read more

It Is Time For A Reckoning

My recent article, “Why the Two-State Solution is the Only Viable Option to the Exclusion of Any Other,” solicited many different reactions. It became clear to me that many who read it have succumbed to the pervasive narrative that such a solution is simply unrealistic. I vehemently disagree In my recent article, I argued that…

January 18, 2024 Read more

Why The Two-State Solution Is The Only Viable Option To The Exclusion Of Any Other

Although the two-state solution has been all along the only viable option that best serves Israel’s national security and political interests and meets the Palestinians’ national aspiration for statehood, the Israel-Hamas war has only reaffirmed that there is no other option The Israel-Hamas war has reignited discussions over a two-state solution as an end to…

January 10, 2024 Read more

Netanyahu Must Go Before He Causes Further Irreversible Harm To Israel

Prime Minister Netanyahu is accused of betraying his oath of office, and the litany of his mishaps and acts of corruption make him a dangerous liability to Israel. He must leave office now before he inflicts further irreparable harm on top of the greatest tragedy that Israel has endured under his watch Regardless of how…

December 20, 2023 Read more

The Current Netanyahu-Led Government Was Born In Sin

From the first day the current Netanyahu-led coalition government was formed, it was preoccupied with its corrupt domestic agenda and perilously intensified the conflict with the Palestinians, and prompted Hamas to commit the unfathomable savage butchery of 1,200 Israelis The unspeakable savagery that Hamas committed against innocent Israelis allowed the Israeli public, for the time…

December 13, 2023 Read more

Israel-Hamas War Affirms The Indispensability Of A Two-State Solution

Unless Israel establishes an endgame strategy that will lead to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the war against Hamas will only be another brutal violent episode that will prepare the ground for the next conflagration engulfing the West Bank and potentially set the entire region on fire Whereas Israel’s stated goal from the…

December 5, 2023 Read more

Israel-Jordan Relations In The Wake Of The Gaza War

Although the dire impact of the Israel-Hamas war has touched many countries in the region and beyond, no foreign country has been so profoundly affected by the war than Jordan. Israel must mitigate Jordan’s concerns to save its critical alliance with its neighbor while fully collaborating in the search for a permanent resolution to the…

November 29, 2023 Read more

What Is Israel’s End-Game In Gaza?

Unless Israel establishes an exit strategy and an end-game that will lead to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in full coordination with the US and Saudi Arabia, the war against Hamas will only be another brutal violent episode that will prepare the ground for the next conflagration that will engulf the West Bank and…

November 9, 2023 Read more
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