Changing The Peace-Making Dynamic

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the death of Arafat has altered the dynamic between Israelis and Palestinians, creating a real opportunity for achieving an interim agreement and perhaps in a few years a final accord. How long this opportunity will last and what it will take to make serio

February 6, 2005 Read more

A Legacy Of Violence And The Path To Peace

The passing of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasir Arafat will dramatically change the political dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, providing a fresh opening for the resumption of the peace talks. The question is whether the United States, Israel, and the newly emerging Palestinian lea

November 9, 2004 Read more

The Intifadah: Four Years Later

As the fourth anniversary of the second Intifadah has come and gone, perhaps it is a good time to survey what has happened since that infamous day in September 2000, when the first Israeli and the first Palestinian were killed. Their deaths signaled the beginning of the destruction and despair th

September 24, 2004 Read more

The Battle to Rebuild Trust

While the carnage in Israel and the occupied territories continued, (during the first week of September, twin suicide bombings and the inevitable retaliations by Israel, claimed the lives of nearly 40 Israelis and Palestinians), in Denver, Colorado, a conference of academics tried to sort out ways to rebuild trust between Israelis and Palestinians.

September 12, 2004 Read more

They Don’t Want To See, Hear, Or Know

Having been a witness for nearly three decades to the plight of the Arabs and Israelis and involved in one form or another in the ups and down of the conflict between them that has caused so much suffering and sacrifice, I sometimes wonder if the situation is simply hopeless. Only a few days ago,

July 25, 2004 Read more

Between Desperation And Faint Hope

We are soon approaching the fourth anniversary of the second Intifadah, so perhaps it is a good time to take stock of what has happened since that infamous day in September 2000, when the first Israelis and Palestinians were killed. Their deaths signaled the beginning of the destruction and despa

July 18, 2004 Read more

Defeating Terrorism 1

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Terrorism

The new administration must sooner than later come to grips with the inescapable fact that there is both a direct and indirect connection between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and international terrorism. While a resolution to this conflict

June 13, 2004 Read more

Defeating Terrorism – Introduction

This is the introduction to a major essay on Defeating International Terrorism to be published in a series of 10 weekly segments starting June 13.

We are at a new crossroads in our campaign against international terrorism. Looking at the balance sheet of our successes and failur

June 6, 2004 Read more

Sharon Must Lead Or Quit

The Likud party's rejection of his disengagement plan represents both a political setback for Prime Minister Sharon and an opportunity for him to strengthen his standing within his party and among Israelis. If the Prime Minister is serious about his plan, as he has repeatedly asserted, t

May 5, 2004 Read more
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