The Horrific Breakdown In Israeli-Palestinian Relations: Where Do We Go From Here?

The unfathomably horrific massacre that Hamas perpetrated against innocent Israelis offers an unprecedented opportunity to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace which has eluded both sides for 75 years. It is precisely the colossal breakdown and the impossibility of merely returning to the status quo ante that has created such a historic opportunity for a breakthrough. The…

October 26, 2023 Read more

Hamas’ Brutal Attack Could Have Been Avoided

AMMAN—I certainly join the voices of many leaders who condemned Hamas’ attack in the strongest terms. That said, I am not as surprised as many that this attack in fact has taken place and claimed the lives of so many innocent Israelis, nor will I be surprised by the ongoing Israeli retaliation that will certainly…

October 9, 2023 Read more

The Occupation And Jewish Values

This article is the first in a series of three that examines the mistakes that both Israelis and Palestinians have made, creating a vicious cycle, and how to find a way out. This article focuses on the occupation which defies Jewish values and intensifies the gravity of the humanitarian crisis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since…

July 11, 2023 Read more

Saudi Arabia Is Best Positioned To Be The Peace Maker

This article was originally published in CNN Arabic Israel and the Palestinians will not find a solution to their conflict without third-party mediation. Such a party is no longer the traditional arbiter, the US, but Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have created a promising geostrategic environment in the region and have the means and the political…

May 30, 2023 Read more

An Occupying Power Cannot Be A Beacon Of Democracy

This article was originally published in CNN Arabic As Israel celebrates its 75th anniversary, every Israeli should remember that the occupation stains the country’s independence day and that Israel is not and will not be a true democracy as long as it remains an occupying power I couldn’t applaud and admire enough the hundreds of…

April 30, 2023 Read more

Netanyahu’s Dismal Failure To Guard Israel-Arab Relations

This article was originally published in CNN Arabic Repulsive statements recently made by Israel’s finance minister demonstrate how corrupt and irresponsible the Netanyahu government is and the damage that it has inflicted on Israel. This damage will endure as long as this extremist nationalist and messianic government remains in power. The recent reprehensible statement made…

April 2, 2023 Read more

How The Palestinians Lost Their Way

The following is the second installment in a series of three articles. The first addressed how Israel lost its way; the third will demonstrate certain realities on the ground that are not subject to change short of a catastrophe. In that context, since Israeli-Palestinian coexistence is inevitable, both sides must choose between living in peace…

February 15, 2023 Read more
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