The Travesty of the Century

After three years in office, one can hardly be surprised at what Trump is capable of saying, doing, or scheming. In the middle of his impeachment trial, Trump finally released his “deal of the century”—a deal that completely ignored several United Nations resolutions, accords that were sponsored by the European community and the United States,…

February 12, 2020 Read more

Trump’s and Netanyahu’s Folly

Since the Second Intifada in 2000, the Israelis have been steadily moving to the right-of-center. Successive Israeli governments have made national security central to Israel’s very survival, and linking it to the presumed existential threat posed by the Palestinians has become the national mantra. Thus, controlling the Palestinians’ lives and their territory became synonymous with…

February 5, 2020 Read more

Trump’s Dreadful Foreign Policy

Recently, I met with a group of officials from different countries who came to the US to learn about our political system and the decision-making process regarding US foreign policy under the Trump administration. Had I been asked this question while Presidents Obama or Bush were in office, I could have answered with some specificity…

January 30, 2020 Read more

2020 Will Be More Turbulent Than 2019, Unless…

Unless some drastic measures are taken, the various conflicts in the Middle East will become ever more intractable and exact a horrifying toll in blood and massive economic dislocation. The continuing severity of these crises and their repercussions will depend on whether or not the combatants assume a realistic posture, or new leadership rise and…

December 19, 2019 Read more

Spare The Nation Humiliation And Pain: An Open Letter To Netanyahu

Mr. Netanyahu, It is time for you to reflect on where you stand and how best to serve the country you care about in a time of much uncertainty and turmoil. You have served as Prime Minister longer than any of your predecessors, and accomplished much for the state of Israel while ensuring its wellbeing…

October 17, 2019 Read more

The Stakes Have Never Been Higher In Israel’s Elections

By Shabtai Shavit and Alon Ben-Meir As Israel prepares for the parliamentary election in September, its second in five months, most national security experts, politically savvy individuals, and academics suggest that this election may well be the most critical since the year 2000. Since that time, the geopolitics and regional security have changed dramatically, which…

August 1, 2019 Read more

Netanyahu’s Defunct Strategy To Keep Hamas At Bay

Netanyahu has served as prime minister for the past 11 years, coinciding with Hamas’ rule over Gaza ever since it usurped power in 2007 from the Palestinian Authority after a brief violent confrontation between the two sides. During this period, Netanyahu has deliberately perpetuated the conflict with Hamas as a means by which to promote…

May 9, 2019 Read more

The Election Will Obliterate The Face Of Israel As We Know It

The result of the Israeli election has demonstrated that the Israeli public’s movement to the right is now consolidated, and that its prospective reversal to the center and left-of-center is becoming increasingly unlikely. This outcome should give serious pause to every Jew and friend of Israel, as the consequences for Israel’s future will be extremely…

April 11, 2019 Read more

The Betrayal Of Israel’s Historic Promise

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir Over the past three decades I wrote more than two hundred articles about Israel, envisioning it to be a democratic state, independent and free, a champion of human rights, a force of unity for world Jewry, united in its citizenry, admired by its friends, envied by its detractors,…

January 23, 2019 Read more
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