Constitution By Decree

The failure to complete the new Iraqi constitution by the August 15th deadline should have been foreseen by the Bush administration. Notorious for establishing arbitrary datelines, the White House has never quite understood the social, political, religious, and traditional dynamics of Iraq

August 20, 2005 Read more

Squandering America’s Moral Authority

America's ascent to superpowerdom is one of the most significant events in history since the rise of the Roman Empire. No nation or combination of nations has a greater capacity for good and evil or exercises greater influence on other nations than does the United States today. Superpo

August 8, 2005 Read more

What The West Still Doesn’t Get

The recent suicide bombings in London stunned not only the British but people in other European counties and elsewhere. I, for one, perhaps like many other observers who have followed how al Qaida has evolved since its defeat in Afghanistan, was not in the least surprised. Among other impo

July 27, 2005 Read more

The Emerging Vietnam Paradigm

Increasingly, the war in Iraq is resembling the American quagmire in Vietnam. More and more American troops are killed daily while Iraqis are dying by the hundreds, and there is no end in sight to the cycle of violence. The Bush Administration must think realistically about an exit strategy, howe

June 20, 2005 Read more

Be Careful Of What You Wish For

However admirable the Bush administration's efforts to spread democracy, especially in the Middle East, these efforts appear hollow and hypocritical as long as the White House refuses to accept the outcome of free elections when they don't turn out to its liking. It is high time for the Bush

June 11, 2005 Read more

Iraq’s Insurgents: No Military Solution

Notwithstanding the fact that the insurgents do not have a unified strategy, they share many common interests that allow them to operate purposefully and with deadly efficiency. They are embedded in sympathetic Sunni communities that strongly support their activities. They are highly motivated be

May 23, 2005 Read more

The Sadat Option

Right at the beginning of Mr's Bush's first term, the administration declared its intent to review U.S. policy toward North Korea (DPRK) and suspended future talks until the review was completed. The policy review was conceived in an atmosphere of rejection, in principle, of the Clinton a

May 13, 2005 Read more

Israel’s Option Of Last Resort

As the delegates of 189 countries meet at the United Nations in an effort to eliminate some loopholes in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which allows nations technical openings to pursue nuclear weapons programs, Iran announced it will soon resume its uranium enrichment program. Although Unite

May 4, 2005 Read more

Hating America: A Threat To National Security

Nearly four years have passed since 9/11 and yet hatred toward America, especially in the Muslim and Arab world has intensified, so much so that tens of thousands, propelled by these feelings, are not just motivated to kill indiscriminately but die without hesitation. A number of reasons can prov

April 23, 2005 Read more
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