The President Has No Monopoly On National Security

If President Bush has succeeded in one thing of national import more than any other it's that he has created the perception that he is strong on security. In fact, he's prepared to stake his reelection on this claim. The irony is that even the Democratic presidential contenders have

January 25, 2004 Read more

Israeli-Syrian Peace Possible And Timely

Peace between Israel and Syria is now more possible than ever because of two factors: One is that most of the issues separating the two adversaries were resolved during their peace negotiations in 2000. The second is that both sides and the United States–whose role remains critical–need a

January 18, 2004 Read more

U.N. Trusteeship for Iraq

The decision by President Bush to speed up the transfer of power to an interim Iraqi government and formally end the American occupation by June 2004 will not put a stop to the insurgency. But it will certainly place at risk the chances for creating a free and democratic Iraq whose governmen

November 16, 2003 Read more

A Bold And Credible Vision

The mutually profound hatred and distrust permeating every level of Israeli and Palestinian life resulting from the heinous violence of the second Intifadah make it impossible for the two sides to resolve their conflict on their own. The United States remains the only nation with a vested i

November 8, 2003 Read more

Demographic Reality And Coexistence

For the Israelis and Palestinians, demographic factors have from the start played a central role in their struggle not only for nationhood but for preserving their majority and national identity. From as early as the 1920s the knowledge that demographic factors would immensely influence the

November 4, 2003 Read more

The No-Fault Administration

Every time I hear that another of our soldiers has been killed in a violent attack by Iraqis resisting the occupation, I become, like many other Americans, extremely saddened. I expect and accept that some of our men and women will die while fighting for a worthy and well-defined cause. In

September 21, 2003 Read more

Commemorating 9/11 With Trepidation

Two years later, the shock from the 9/11 terrorist attack is still with us as is the memory of those who perished that day. We owe great debt to the men and women who have worked since then so tirelessly to prevent future attacks. Yet most of us remain anxious. As we go about our daily routi

September 7, 2003 Read more

Sealing Their Own Fate

The suicide bombing that killed 21 Israelis in Jerusalem on August 19th may have sealed the fate of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. For the first time since the eruption of the second Intifadah nearly three years ago, the United States, Israel, and a key element of the Palestinian Authority led b

September 3, 2003 Read more

An Administration With No Scruples

Whereas the administration finds it now convenient to justify the war in Iraq as a humanitarian effort, it has not found the moral courage to prevent a human tragedy from engulfing the Liberian people. True to its own brand of duplicity, the administration has shown utter disregard for the h

July 27, 2003 Read more
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