Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir

The Dying In Syria Rests On The Conscience Of The West

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir President Trump’s characterization of the US attack on specific Syrian chemical storage and research facilities as “mission accomplished” is technically accurate, as the intended targets were in fact destroyed. But declaring mission accomplished in the context of the continuing unfolding tragedy being inflicted on the Syrian people is…

April 26, 2018 Read more

Trump And Kim Jong Un – Sailing On Uncharted Waters

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The prospective meeting between President Trump and North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un would be historic, and regardless of the outcome it will have major implications for years to come. The conflict over North Korea’s nuclear arsenals and ballistic missiles is complex. It is driven by a mindset…

March 28, 2018 Read more

The US’ Enablement Jeopardizes Israel’s Future

Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The United States has been and remains the staunchest supporter of Israel, and its unqualified support will cause significant damage to Israel’s future wellbeing. The US’ continued political, military and economic backing has enabled Israel in the past to maintain the occupation and create new political and physical…

February 7, 2018 Read more

The Dangerous Erosion Of The US’ Global Leadership

Artwork by Michael Anderson Only one year after Trump was inaugurated, the US has already suffered an alarming setback to its global leadership role and badly damaged its image. In short order, Trump managed to bewilder our friends and allies, intensify the enmity between us and our foes, and evoke fear, concerns, and unpredictability to…

January 24, 2018 Read more

Congress: Don’t Tamper With The Iran Deal, Build On It

The Trump administration’s approach to the Iran deal is problematic as it is taken out of the context of the multiple conflicts raging throughout the Middle East, the extent to which Iran is involved, and the role it can play in resolving them, including the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon. The question is,…

October 19, 2017 Read more

Trump’s “New” Strategy In Afghanistan Is Doomed To Fail

President Trump’s new strategy that would presumably win the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan is doomed to fail, just like Bush’s and Obama’s before him. At best, the reported dispatch of an additional 4,000 American troops as recommended by his security chiefs will prevent the total collapse of Afghanistan and thwart the Taliban from…

August 23, 2017 Read more

Trump’s ‘Historic’ Visit To The Middle East: Much Ado About Nothing

Sadly, President Trump’s visit to the Middle East only confirmed my skepticism about what might come out of it. Trump went to the region with nothing to offer to mitigate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and received no commitment from either Israeli or Palestinian leaders to resume the peace negotiations in earnest, but he received lots of…

May 25, 2017 Read more

Strategy Of Force Coupled With Sound Diplomacy

President Trump’s unexpected attack on Syria’s Shayrat airbase in response to President Assad’s sarin gas attack on his own citizens has changed the dynamic of Syria’s civil war and potentially its eventual outcome. Trump’s attack sent a clear message not only to Assad, but to Russia and Iran, who are staunch supporters of Assad, and…

April 12, 2017 Read more

The Looming End To The Western-Turkish Alliance

The growing tension between Turkey and its Western allies, which was further heightened during the Obama administration, is narrowing the space for cooperation between the two sides and in fact is progressively worsening. Erdogan’s hope that he and President Trump would improve their ties as members of NATO has dramatically diminished. Washington and the EU…

April 5, 2017 Read more
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