Biden Can Change The Course Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It takes bold US leadership to effect a change in the Israeli-Palestinian discourse, and Biden may well be the right president at the right time that will ultimately serve the Israelis as much if not more than the Palestinians. Righting the Wrong The summit between President Biden and Prime Minister Bennett came at a time…

September 1, 2021 Read more

We Must Not Allow The Republicans To Destroy Our Basic Values

By Alon Ben-Meir and Sam Ben-Meir Righting the Wrong We have been criticizing the Republican leadership over many issues, beginning with the fact that they have systematically opposed any legislation advanced by Democrats that would better the lives of American people, from healthcare to housing, minimum wages, renewable energy, labor unions, and more. Making the…

August 26, 2021 Read more

Where Did We Go So Wrong In Afghanistan?

President Biden’s decision to finally withdraw US forces from Afghanistan was the correct decision and certainly overdue. However, the lack of preparation to do so orderly and safely was yet another terrible mistake in a string of mistakes that have plagued the US from day one. Righting the Wrong In his address to the nation…

August 18, 2021 Read more

“From The River To The Sea”

Although the Palestinians have every right to establish an independent state of their own, nothing has so tragically undermined their cause in the eyes of Israelis than their calls to have a state that extends from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which means the eventual extinction of Israel Righting the wrong One would…

August 13, 2021 Read more

Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Offers The Only Solution For Sustainable Peace

This is a summary of a major proposal that documents the need to establish an Israeli-Palestinian confederation that is dictated by the realities on the ground, which is the only thing that will provide an enduring, sustainable peace agreement between the two sides. INTRODUCTION After 73 years of conflict, regardless of the many changes on…

August 5, 2021 Read more

Kurti’s Momentous Opportunity To Transform Kosovo

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Kurti stands an excellent chance of succeeding to make Kosovo a model of progressive democracy, advanced economy, and social equality that no other Balkan state can rival. The question is, will he and what would it take? Righting the Wrong Prime Minister Kurti came to power fortified by a landslide victory that…

July 7, 2021 Read more

Biden May Succeed Where His Predecessors Failed

President Biden may well succeed in forging an Israeli-Palestinian peace by restating in the strongest terms that a two-state solution remains the only viable option and works to create the conditions on the ground to that end. Righting the Wrong The US remains the indispensable power that can bring both Israel and the Palestinians to…

July 2, 2021 Read more

The Creation Of A Palestinian State Is Inescapable

Every Israeli will sooner than later realize that the creation of a Palestinian state is the only way by which Israel can protect its democracy, independence, national security and national Jewish identity. Denying Palestinian statehood defies Israel’s existence as we know it Righting the wrong The continuing international consensus that supports the establishment of a…

June 23, 2021 Read more

The Occupation Poses The Greatest Danger To Israel

Any observer of Israel’s continuing occupation cannot but conclude that the occupation is indefensible as it prevents the establishment of a Palestinian state and perilously erodes the country’s moral foundation to a degree that challenges the premise behind its very creation. Righting the Wrong I have long maintained that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank…

June 17, 2021 Read more
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