An Iraqi Sunni State Is Prerequisite To Defeating ISIS

One of the main prerequisites to defeating ISIS in Iraq and stabilizing the country is the establishment of an independent Sunni Iraqi state alongside the current Shiite government and the autonomous Kurdish entity. As long as the Sunni Iraqis do not know what the future has in store for them, they will be unwilling to…

February 19, 2016 Read more

Erecting A Giant Prison For All Israelis

A courtesy of Prime Minister Netanyahu The demagoguery of Prime Minster Netanyahu seems to have no limit—demagoguery in a sense that he says and acts on anything to buttress Israel’s hold on the West Bank in the name of national security. This time around, Netanyahu came up with another absurd idea, proposing, as he stated,…

February 11, 2016 Read more

The Truth About Israel’s National Security

Israel’s historical experiences, coupled with decades of violent confrontations with Arab states and the Palestinians, have created a major psychological barrier embedded in the psyche of every Israeli, placing Israel’s legitimate national security concerns at the center of its domestic and foreign policy. That said, no military might or even the expropriation of the entire…

February 4, 2016 Read more

The Dire Consequences Of Revenge And Retribution

A regular reader of my weekly column recently shared with me a commentary about the brutal murder of Dafna Meir, an Israeli Jew who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian teenager. Needless to say, there are no words to express the anger and revulsion over this atrocious crime—murdering an innocent woman with six children…

January 27, 2016 Read more

Lifting The Sanctions Will Not End Iran’s Revolutionary Zeal

The timely implementation of the Iran deal and Tehran’s full compliance with its various provisions to date should not be viewed as just an accomplished goal, but as a continuing process that could take several years to determine its viability and the extent to which it impacts Iran’s foreign and domestic policy. I believe the…

January 21, 2016 Read more

Civil Disobedience Is The Palestinians’ Best Option

Image by Sam Ben-Meir The use of violence to end the occupation has not served the Palestinian cause well, instead making matters worse as it hardened the resolve of successive Israeli governments to deal with violent extremism with an iron fist. The current bloody clashes, often referred to as the ‘Knife Intifada,’ and the killing…

January 14, 2016 Read more

Saudi Arabia’s Act Of Strategic Defiance

The Saudi decision to execute Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr at this particular juncture was a strategic act of defiance meant to challenge Iran and the United States in particular. The Saudis wanted to send a blatant and carefully calculated message that the Kingdom is capable of standing on its own, and it will not…

January 7, 2016 Read more

In The Grip Of Powerful Illusions

The deadlock in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process appears to be illogical and unsettling as a majority of Israelis and Palestinians realize that coexistence, whether under conditions of enmity or friendship, is a fact that neither side can change short of a catastrophe. Both sides understand that the general parameters of a sustainable peace agreement must…

December 16, 2015 Read more

Israel’s Occupation Is Morally Indefensible

I have long maintained that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel’s national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Unless Israel embraces a new moral path, no one…

December 10, 2015 Read more
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