Likud’s Victory Is Israel’s Defeat

Those of us who regularly observe and try to make sense of the madness sweeping the Middle East often find ourselves, perhaps out of desperation, engaging in wishful thinking, hoping that in the end, reason will prevail over lunacy. We analyze unfolding events, dissect patent facts, reassess our assumptions, and try to discern where we…

March 25, 2015 Read more

Netanyahu Reveals His Duplicity, Demagoguery and Deceit

In a follow-up question to the statement that Prime Minister Netanyahu made during an interview with the Israeli website NRG–in which he stated that “I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate territory, gives territory away to radical Islamist attacks against Israel”–he was asked if that meant a Palestinian state…

March 17, 2015 Read more

The Kingpin, The Capo, And The Con Artist

The three characters are: Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi), Likud Avigdor Lieberman (Yvet), Yisrael Beiteinu Naftali Bennett, Habayit HaYehudi References are made to: Isaac Herzog (Buji), Zionist Camp Tzipi Livni, Zionist Camp Yair Lapid, Yesh Atid Moshe Kahlon, Kulanu Arye Dery, Shas Yaakov Litzman, United Torah Judaism Ayman Odeh, Hadash/Joint Arab List Zehava Golan, Meretz Eli Yishai,…

March 11, 2015 Read more

Netanyahu’s Speech Adds Injury To Insult

Following Prime Minster Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress, the question being asked is whether the speech will adversely or positively impact the negotiations between the P5 +1 and Iran, led by the US. The simple answer is neither. From everything we have seen and know, the Obama administration remains committed to preventing…

March 5, 2015 Read more

A Message To Netanyahu: Enough Is Enough

The killing of a security guard at a synagogue in Copenhagen over two weeks ago has renewed Netanyahu’s call for mass immigration of European Jews to Israel. Although he has made such impetuous appeals before, he now makes a new brazen claim that as Prime Minister of Israel, he represents and can speak on behalf…

February 25, 2015 Read more

“The Ballot Is Stronger Than The Bullet”

The Israeli general election, scheduled for March 17, can be fateful for the Israeli Arabs as their voting en masse could change the political map and potentially prevent Netanyahu from forming the next government. They can, and indeed must, defy all parties from the right-of-center who do not wish them to have a voice, ostensibly…

February 19, 2015 Read more

Bennett: A Demagogue On The Loose

It is hard to imagine how a devious, delusionary and destructive individual like Naftali Bennett, the leader of the Jewish Home party, can rise to prominence while openly advocating a racist political agenda. His “solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a recipe for obliterating Israel as both Jewish and democratic, and converting it into an…

February 11, 2015 Read more

The Tragic Tear In US-Israel Relations

There is no doubt that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s acceptance of House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address a joint session of Congress on Iran is extraordinarily damaging to Israel-US relations. The damage, however, transcends the bilateral relations as it reverberates and impacts adversely on Israel’s relations with scores of other countries. Netanyahu and his messenger…

February 4, 2015 Read more

Netanyahu Betrays What’s Best For Israel

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been more vocal than any of his predecessors about the ‘looming Iranian danger,’ insisting that any agreement to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons will amount to nothing more than a technical pause. He has been rallying members of Congress to impose additional crippling sanctions on Iran, hoping that the mounting…

January 29, 2015 Read more
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