The Dual Containment Strategy Is No Longer Viable

The U.S. policy of dual containment of Iran and Iraq has run its course. Given the geopolitical changes that have swept the Middle East since the Gulf War, continuing the same policy would only destabilize our allies and undermine our strategic interests in the region.

December 16, 1995 Read more

Next Up: A Handshake between Shimon Peres and Hafez Al-Assad

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres was correct when he said his Labor Party would be making a grave mistake if it stalled on peace talks with Syria while campaigning in the national elections. Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Sharaa responded in kind, saying, "Syria is ready for the achievement of a breakthrough in the negotiations."

November 22, 1995 Read more

Images of Reconciliation

Acting Prime Minister Peres was correct when he said Labor would be making a grave mistake in stalling peace talks with Syria while campaigning in the elections. Syria's Foreign Minister Shara responded in kind, stating that "Syria is ready for the achievement of a breakthrough in the negotiations."

November 11, 1995 Read more

The Psychological Barriers to Israeli-Syrian Peace

Israel demands early warning stations on the Golan Heights following the withdrawal of its forces. Syria refuses to meet these demands. While these positions rest officially on security considerations, they are rooted deep in the national psyches of both Israel and Syria.

Only the United S

August 14, 1995 Read more

Israeli-Palestinian Coexistence

Since the establishment of a Palestinian state appears to be only a matter of time, the question is how such a state might coexist with Israel. Both the Israelis and Palestinians continue to claim the same land, and both are demographically interspersed in Israel and in the territories. So far, neither Israel nor the PLO have been able to project a wide view of how a two-state solution might work. They have engaged in wishful thinking, ignoring the fact that, in the end, the final outcome of their negotiations will be determined by the realities on the ground.

July 5, 1995 Read more

Let the Palestinians Go!

Polls which show Binyamin Netanyahu's popularity soaring may serve as a pick-me-up, but sooner or later the Likud leader will have to come down to earth. While Prime Minister Rabin may be handicapped by his vacillation and lack of an ultimate solution to the Palestinian predicament, the Likud leader is unlikely to fare any better.

February 19, 1995 Read more

US Troops Could Be Crucial On the Golan

A comprehensive peace between Israel and the Arab states can be achieved only with Syria's full participation. Such a peace will considerably enhance regional stability, which in turn is in the best strategic interests of the United States. Thus, if stationing American troops on the Golan Heights to monitor the Israeli-Syrian borders becomes the only remaining prerequisite to peace, then the Clinton administration and the Republican Congress should accept this opportunity.

December 9, 1994 Read more

No More Hatred, No More Fear

From the moment I arrived at Damascus Airport till the moment I left the city eight days later, I engaged every Syrian I met in a discussion about the Israeli-Syrian peace process.

December 2, 1994 Read more
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