Israel Must Remember Its Moral Values In Its Quest To Crush Hamas

Israel will recover over time from its colossal intelligence failure and its tardiness in responding militarily to Hamas’ massacre. But it cannot do so unless it upholds its moral values and makes every effort to spare the lives of innocent Palestinians as it pursues Hamas’ destruction The unfathomable massacre of Israeli Jews by Hamas and…

October 15, 2023 Read more

Hamas’ Brutal Attack Could Have Been Avoided

AMMAN—I certainly join the voices of many leaders who condemned Hamas’ attack in the strongest terms. That said, I am not as surprised as many that this attack in fact has taken place and claimed the lives of so many innocent Israelis, nor will I be surprised by the ongoing Israeli retaliation that will certainly…

October 9, 2023 Read more

Serbia-Kosovo Deadlock Requires A Reality Check

It’s time for the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to come to their senses and accept certain realities that neither can change. They are stuck and should recognize that their conflict will end only through mutual understanding of each other’s aspirations and respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity I condemn in the strongest terms…

September 27, 2023 Read more

Kurti—EU Tensions Are Most Damaging To Kosovo’s National Interests

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti is still wallowing in his obsession with Serbia and seems to never understand that Kosovo’s independence, security, and well-being do not depend on what Serbia’s President Vucic says or does but only on the commitments of the EU and the US to safeguard Kosovo’s security and independence It is baffling…

September 21, 2023 Read more

A Wake-Up Call For Kosovo’s Prime Minister Kurti

Prime Minister Kurti was elected on the premise that he would attend to Kosovo’s socio-economic malaise, lift its people from ashes of the war, give them hope, and restore their dignity. Sadly, more than two years later Kurti has little to show for his promises. Over the past two years I have written several opinion…

August 30, 2023 Read more

A Perilous Implosion Awaits Israel Unless True Democracy Prevails

To prevent creeping authoritarianism and the complete disintegration of Israel’s democracy, it will be crucial to not only preserve the independence of the judiciary but to embrace other central pillars on which democracy rests. The socio-political turmoil in Israel which is manifested by the pervasive hostility, distrust, and disdain between the religious nationalists and secular…

August 10, 2023 Read more

Israel Is On The Brink Of A Disaster. Will History Repeat Itself?

The battle over Israel’s democracy, if not its very soul, has been raging since the current Netanyahu government came to power seven months ago. The passage of the first round of ‘reforms’ has made an indelible crack in Israel’s democracy; if the public’s outcry to prevent further reforms fails, the country itself will forfeit its…

July 24, 2023 Read more
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