Behind Bin Laden’s Message

We may very well be caught unprepared to deal with another terrorist attack because of our fixation on Iraq. Try as they may to link Al Qaeda to Iraq's President Saddam Hussein, administration officials have failed to make their case. Nothing in bin Laden's recent message establish

February 16, 2003 Read more

The Big Charade

s it possible that in their eagerness to wage war on Iraq and oust President Saddam Hussein the U.S. and British governments are willing to resort to anything, however disingenuous, to make a case against the Iraqi leader? As unsettling as it may be, the answer is yes. Thus, two days ago, the Br

February 9, 2003 Read more

Is War With Iraq Imminent?

Is war with Iraq imminent? The short answer is, yes; the long answer is that there is a small likelihood that war can be averted if one of the following scenarios materialize in a fairly short order:
In the first scenario, Saddam Hussein leaves Iraq for exile under conditions accept

February 2, 2003 Read more

Sharon’s Last Opportunity

How Prime Minister Sharon will capitalize on his overwhelming victory in last Tuesday's parliamentary elections remains unclear, and Sharon himself may not know the answer. On the one hand, he would like to be remembered as the leader who brought peace to his people, yet, on the other,

February 2, 2003 Read more

North Korea: Facing The Shifting Political Wind

The crisis with North Korea affords us an opportunity not merely to restore our 1994 agreement with that nation–the Agreed Framework–but to initiate a new strategy that will eventually bring home our troops stationed in South Korea since 1951, and lead to the unification of th

January 25, 2003 Read more

A Foreign Policy Consistent With Our Supremacy

Not since the rise of the Roman Empire has a single country amassed such military and economic power, and with these an unprecedented capacity for good or evil, as the United States. The rise of the American empire is unprecedented in that it is not based on conquest and contro

January 19, 2003 Read more

Two Years Of Foreign Policy Debacles

In his forthcoming State of the Union address to the joint session of the Congress, President Bush will undoubtedly boast about his administration's achievements during the past two years. But, try as he may to put the best possible spin on a number of major foreign policy issues

January 11, 2003 Read more

Misguided And Perilous Strategy

The disproportionate efforts, resources, and time that the preparation for war with Iraq are exacting from the administration, have undermined other critical issues, such as the war on terrorism, dealing effectively with other rogue nations, and fixing what's wrong with the nat

December 14, 2002 Read more

A Land That Floweth With Milk And Honey

The deafening silence of Jewish and Islamic scholars and religious leaders in response to the tragic events have taken place over the past two years in the Middle East brings to mind, in a curious way, a biblical reference to the land of Canaan (present-day Israel, the West Bank, Ga

December 7, 2002 Read more
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