Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Offers The Only Solution For Sustainable Peace

This is a summary of a major proposal that documents the need to establish an Israeli-Palestinian confederation that is dictated by the realities on the ground, which is the only thing that will provide an enduring, sustainable peace agreement between the two sides. INTRODUCTION After 73 years of conflict, regardless of the many changes on…

August 5, 2021 Read more

A Third Israeli-Hamas War—What’s Next?

Now that a third Israeli-Hamas war has ended as inconclusively as the two previous wars, will both sides prepare for the next one, or let sanity sink in and chart a dramatically new course that will end the vicious cycle from which neither side can ever escape? Righting the Wrong No keen observer of the…

May 26, 2021 Read more

There Will Be No Peace Without A Process Of Reconciliation

No one should have the illusion that once a ceasefire is established, Israel and the Palestinians should or can negotiate a peace agreement. Given the decades-long deep hatred and distrust, a process of reconciliation must precede such negotiations to achieve an enduring peace Righting the Wrong Since a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians has…

May 21, 2021 Read more

As A Democracy, Israel Shows No Moral Tenet: El-Halabi’s outcry for justice

Righting the Wrong Israel’s continued treatment of Palestinian political prisoners is unconscionable. Mohammad El Halabi, an aid worker from Gaza, has been in prison for four years while he awaits his trial; this is nothing short of cruel absurdity. He has been forced before the court over 150 times, many of those appearances secret, without…

January 21, 2021 Read more

Israeli-Palestinian Confederation: Why and How

After 72 years of conflict, it is time for Israel and the Palestinians to realize that while a two-state solution remains the most viable option, there are irreversible realities on the ground that can be addressed only jointly in the context of a confederation. The contours of such a confederation are dictated by these realities,…

December 9, 2020 Read more

The Last Chance For A Viable Two-State Solution

Notwithstanding what has been commonly discussed, if the Netanyahu government moves on its plan to annex nearly 30 percent of the West Bank, which will include the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements, it would precipitate major adversarial repercussions for Israel. To begin with, violence between Israelis and Palestinians will substantially increase and potentially lead to…

June 17, 2020 Read more

Netanyahu’s Defunct Strategy To Keep Hamas At Bay

Netanyahu has served as prime minister for the past 11 years, coinciding with Hamas’ rule over Gaza ever since it usurped power in 2007 from the Palestinian Authority after a brief violent confrontation between the two sides. During this period, Netanyahu has deliberately perpetuated the conflict with Hamas as a means by which to promote…

May 9, 2019 Read more

The Palestinian Refugees: Right vs. Reality

In my last article, I argued that the ultimate solution to the Palestinian refugees’ right of return rests on resettlement and/or compensation. Indeed, given the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its psychological, political, and demographic dimensions, there is simply no other viable solution. Many Palestinians living in and outside the West Bank and Gaza,…

August 16, 2018 Read more

“The Right Of Return”—To Where?

To listen to an audio version of this article, click here. The nearly three months of demonstrations by Palestinians along the Israel-Gaza border under the banner of the “March of Return”, which turned violent and has remained as such as of this writing. This provides another manifestation of how wrong and astray the Palestinians have…

August 9, 2018 Read more
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