A Non-Interventionist Approach In Syria Is Extremely Dangerous

Given its geostrategic interest and the security of its allies in the Middle East, the US has no choice but to intervene constructively in Syria by extending a helping hand to the new regime to stabilize the country. The question is, will Trump change his non-interventionist approach? The shockingly sudden fall of Assad in Syria…

December 17, 2024 Read more

The Fall Of The Assad Regime: The Rebels’ Prospect For Success Or Failure

The fall of the Assad regime is a historic watershed event that will have significant regional and international ramifications. The question is, will the rebels fulfill their promise to be inclusive and lift the Syrian people out of their misery, and what can the US and Israel do to help shape the trajectory of the…

December 11, 2024 Read more

Syria’s Humanitarian Crisis Is A Stigma On The World’s Conscience

Tragically, the entire international community has failed miserably to muster the moral courage to end the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in Syria’s civil war. Is it any wonder that such atrocities are happening time and again? Righting the wrong The ten-year old civil war in Syria has gone far…

March 4, 2021 Read more

2020 Will Be More Turbulent Than 2019, Unless…

Unless some drastic measures are taken, the various conflicts in the Middle East will become ever more intractable and exact a horrifying toll in blood and massive economic dislocation. The continuing severity of these crises and their repercussions will depend on whether or not the combatants assume a realistic posture, or new leadership rise and…

December 19, 2019 Read more

Trump’s Disgraceful Letter To Erdogan

There is no wonder that every person and news outlet that saw Trump’s letter to Turkey’s president Erdogan thought it was a joke. When it was confirmed that the letter was indeed authentic, bewilderment and disbelief struck everyone who read it, as no US president has ever written such a disgraceful letter which will be…

October 19, 2019 Read more

An Act Of Betrayal And Infamy

Photo by Susan Melkisethian Trump’s decision to withdraw American forces from Syria may well be remembered as one of the most egregious and inhuman disasters that he has ever taken since he came to power. For a President of the United States to make such a critical decision with so many implications, simply based on…

October 11, 2019 Read more

Trump’s New Year’s Gift To Putin, Rouhani, And Erdogan

Trump’s decision to withdraw US forces from Syria is extremely reckless and is bound to backfire in more than one way. To make such a decision, which has major implications that directly and adversely affect our allies in and outside the region, through a simple tweet and against the advice of his senior advisors is…

December 20, 2018 Read more

Why US Must Expand, Not Withdraw, Forces From Syria

In early April, Trump stated that the US should withdraw its military forces from Syria. Secretary of Defense Mattis seems to have persuaded Trump to postpone this plan for at least six months, citing strategic necessity, with which I fully agree. Beyond that, however, US forces must not only remain in Syria, but be further…

May 29, 2018 Read more
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