Attacking Iran Is A Recipe For A Catastrophe

Regardless of a success or failure to reach a new agreement with Iran, Israel must not attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and must work closely with the US to develop a joint strategy to curb Iran’s ambition to acquire nuclear weapons and potentially end the conflict with Iran on a more permanent basis Righting the Wrong…

January 27, 2022 Read more

America Faces A Fateful Crossroad In 2022

Righting the Wrong When my assistant handed me copy expressing my greetings and good wishes for 2022 for approval, I paused, thinking, “is that all I can say, just hope for a better, brighter new year?” How much happier and sunnier can next year be, when we still suffer from the deep scars and bleeding…

December 20, 2021 Read more

Can The Retreat Of Democracy Be Reversed?

Righting the Wrong The Summit for Democracy that President Biden is spearheading in December, at which scores of countries will be in in attendance, is certainly timely and necessary. I do not expect revolutionary and immediate measures to be adopted at the summit to save democracies from their rapid erosion in so many countries. The…

November 19, 2021 Read more

Biden Can Change The Course Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It takes bold US leadership to effect a change in the Israeli-Palestinian discourse, and Biden may well be the right president at the right time that will ultimately serve the Israelis as much if not more than the Palestinians. Righting the Wrong The summit between President Biden and Prime Minister Bennett came at a time…

September 1, 2021 Read more

Where Did We Go So Wrong In Afghanistan?

President Biden’s decision to finally withdraw US forces from Afghanistan was the correct decision and certainly overdue. However, the lack of preparation to do so orderly and safely was yet another terrible mistake in a string of mistakes that have plagued the US from day one. Righting the Wrong In his address to the nation…

August 18, 2021 Read more

Biden May Succeed Where His Predecessors Failed

President Biden may well succeed in forging an Israeli-Palestinian peace by restating in the strongest terms that a two-state solution remains the only viable option and works to create the conditions on the ground to that end. Righting the Wrong The US remains the indispensable power that can bring both Israel and the Palestinians to…

July 2, 2021 Read more

Biden’s Mideast Strategy And Its Geopolitical Implications

The Biden administration’s new Middle East strategy is forcing regional powers to reassess their geostrategic interests and act in a manner that might end several conflicts that have plagued the region Righting the wrong When Biden was running for president, he made it clear that if elected he would chart a new course in addressing…

May 6, 2021 Read more

Erdogan’s Misogyny Transcends His Moral Decadence

Erdogan’s decision to withdraw Turkey from the 2011 Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence Against Women is by far the most despicable turn he has yet taken against women Righting the Wrong It is hard to find something more scornful than Erdogan’s sudden decision to withdraw Turkey from the Council of Europe…

April 15, 2021 Read more

Syria’s Humanitarian Crisis Is A Stigma On The World’s Conscience

Tragically, the entire international community has failed miserably to muster the moral courage to end the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in Syria’s civil war. Is it any wonder that such atrocities are happening time and again? Righting the wrong The ten-year old civil war in Syria has gone far…

March 4, 2021 Read more
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