Iraq’s Failed Policy

Try as it may to put the best face on it, the American intelligence agencies' assessment of global terrorism trends is damning the Bush administration in whichever way we look at it. In many ways the report stated the obvious: The Iraq war has contributed directly to the rise of Islamic radicalism and the diffusion of the Jihad ideology globally…

September 29, 2006 Read more

A Region In Turmoil

For the more than two decades that I have been involved, directly and indirectly, in Middle-Eastern negotiations and, at the same time, in my research and analysis of the region’s trials, never have I witnessed such turmoil. At present, nearly every nation there is embroiled in an internal conflict that is shaking not simply…

September 18, 2006 Read more

The Carnage in Baghdad

The constitution that was hailed by President Bush as a milestone in the development of democracy in Iraq is fundamentally flawed and will turn out to be nothing more than the instrument that will bring about the disintegration of Iraq. The Bush administration better take a closer look at the monster it has unleashed in…

September 9, 2006 Read more

The Scorecard: Five Years Later

I'm writing this column from Cairo while on an extensive visit to the Middle East. If there's a more appropriate place from where to assess the implications and repercussions of the events of 9/11 and the success or the failure of the Bush administration’s so-called war on terrorism, I

September 8, 2006 Read more

Iran’s Nuclear Menace

The failure of the Bush administration to persuade or coerce Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions for the past six years has increased the menace while decreasing the prospects for a peaceful solution. The United States must now develop a new strategy to end Iran’s nuclear program. Anything less will bring the Middle East ever closer to nuclear conflagration.

August 28, 2006 Read more

Iran’s Nuclear Menace

The failure of the Bush administration to persuade or coerce Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions for the past six years has increased the menace while decreasing the prospects for a peaceful solution. The United States must now develop a new strategy to end Iran’s nuclear program. Anything l

August 25, 2006 Read more

Jerusalem’s Final Status

Jerusalem evokes profound emotional and political trepidation because, unlike any other city, Jerusalem is an aberration of time and place. What makes Jerusalem unique is not only its long and turbulent history but its continued existence in defiance of history's harsh verdicts. No other city ha

August 25, 2006 Read more

Syria Versus Iran

The Bush administration’s strategy of treating Syria and Iran as if they are evil twins is fundamentally flawed. Although Damascus and Tehran have many common interests in addition to their grievances against the United States, they differ dramatically in their assessment of their regional rol

August 21, 2006 Read more
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